Monday, May 17, 2010

Why would the sound card on my computer dissapear?

I used to have sound on my computer then for no apparent reason it is gone. To find the probem I followed a tutorial to check the sound and found that there is no longer a sund card. Could I have accidentallyy deleted it??? How difficult is i to install a new one?

Why would the sound card on my computer dissapear?
Soundcards Normally Would Be Deleted If You Erase Your Entire Computers Data
Reply:I assume you've probably deleted or spyware or malware must of done it. You can try re-installing your sound card by going online to your manufacture's page and install it from there. Or you can try installing your sound card drivers on device manager. Run a search for your sound card then scan your computer for possible virus or spyware. Good Luck.

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