Monday, May 17, 2010

Are sound cards universal?

My ex bought a HP pavilion about 2 years ago for me, and it has never had sound. I have not cracked the case, but assume there is no sound card. Are there universal sound cards or do I need to know the exact make and model of my HP?

Are sound cards universal?
Do you have jacks where the speakers/headphones are supposed to be plugged into? If so, it could be that the "onboard devices" setting in your bios for the onboard sound card has been "disabled". If not, then there's no onboard sound and you have to buy a PCI sound card.

PCI sound cards are universal. The'll work in any computer with a PI slot.
Reply:hp pavilions usually were built with onboard sound, so it is integral to the motherboard. if the onboard sound doesn't work, there should be pci slots available for you to install a pci sound card - unless he filled the pci slots up with other upgrades he did. at any rate, the make/model of the HP doesn't matter.

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